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Paul Roy

Paul Roy, LCSW

Therapist / Licensed Clinical Social Worker
(303) 981-5586E-mailMap

To send me a message by E-mail, or to schedule an appointment, please complete the following form.


TO: Paul Roy, LCSW

FROM: (Your Name)
Your E-Mail Address
Phone Number
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please include the times that you may be available to meet (generally), and what services you are requesting.

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If you have already completed the Initial Intake Form, please upload it here. Your information is safe, and will be transmitted using industry-standard encryption.

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If you would rather talk by phone, you may reach me at 303-981-5586.


Paul Roy, LCSW
Therapist / Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Mission Trace
3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite D-201
Lakewood, CO 80227